How I Help You Get the Dream Business

My coaching is based on three different pyramids. The first pyramid is putting in systems and protocols to get your practice running like a smoothly oiled machine.  You will learn the key performance indicators that you must have to make a weekly action plan. In essence, you will truly become the CEO of your organization. 

The second pyramid is about mindset. You will learn certain hacks that you get you in a positive flow state where every day you come to work with great energy and a positive attitude.  Most people do not realize how their thinking is affecting the daily running of their organization.  

The third pyramid is leadership.  I am a certified John Maxwell leadership coach and it is through leadership were your organization will grow by leaps and bounds.  If you want more time to do the things you love to do like taking great vacations and spending time with your friends and loved ones, then you need to become the best leader possible. 

The break-down of the modules are as follows:

Module 1: Systems/KPIs


The word systems is not sexy but sexy does not give you the life you desire.  Systems in business are important for several reasons. They help to streamline processes, increase efficiency, and improve productivity. By having established systems in place, businesses can reduce errors and inconsistencies, and ensure that all tasks are completed in a timely and accurate manner. Systems also help to improve communication and collaboration within the organization, as they provide a clear set of guidelines and procedures for employees to follow. Additionally, systems help businesses to maintain compliance with industry regulations and standards, and they can also be used to track and measure performance, enabling companies to make data-driven decisions. Overall, systems play a critical role in the success of any business.


KPIs or Key Performance Indicators are crucial to your success.  The reasons are:

1) Improved decision-making: KPIs provide objective data to help you make informed decisions about your business operations and strategies.

2) Increased accountability: By tracking KPIs, you can hold yourself and your employees accountable for meeting goals and objectives.

3) Enhanced performance: By measuring and tracking KPIs, you can identify areas for improvement and take action to enhance performance.

4)Improved customer satisfaction: Tracking customer satisfaction KPIs, such as customer satisfaction scores, can help you understand what your customers want and how to better meet their needs.

5)Increased revenue: By tracking financial KPIs, such as revenue growth and profitability, you can make informed decisions to increase your revenue.

6)Better resource allocation: By measuring and tracking KPIs, you can allocate resources effectively to the areas of your business that are driving the most impact.

In this module, we will discuss which KPIs you need to measure, who will do the measuring, and how to analyze these metrics.  In addition, you will leave this course with done-for-you graphs that you and your staff can utilize from here on in. 

Module 2: Leadership

Leadership is a crucial aspect of any organization as it determines the direction, culture, and success of the team or company. Effective leadership involves setting a vision, inspiring and motivating others, making decisions, and solving problems. Good leaders have strong communication skills, emotional intelligence, and the ability to build trust and engage their teams. Ethical leadership is also important as it sets the tone for a positive and inclusive culture, establishes trust, and reinforces integrity and accountability. Effective leadership drives innovation, growth, and high performance, and helps organizations and teams navigate change and overcome challenges. In summary, leadership plays a vital role in the success of organizations and teams, and its impact cannot be overstated.

During the leadership module, we will be discussing:

1) Hiring Your A Team

2) When and How to Fire an unproductive or disruptive employee

3) Training your team to be great leaders

4) Getting Your Team to be accountable

5) Developing leadership skills 

A. Communication 

B. Emotional intelligence 

C. Decision making 

D. Conflict resolution

6) Inspiring and Motivating Teams: The secret sauce to getting your time back.

         A. Building trust 

         B. Encouraging creativity 

         C. Recognizing and rewarding excellence 

         D. Delegation and empowerment

7) Ethical Leadership 

         A. The importance of ethical behavior

  B. Dealing with difficult situations 

C. Building a culture of integrity

8) Leading Change 

A. Understanding resistance to change 

B. Planning and implementing change 

C. Managing resistance and overcoming obstacles

9) Case Studies and Group Discussions 

A. Sharing real-life leadership experiences 

B. Analyzing and solving leadership challenges 

C. Peer learning and feedback

Module 3: Revenue Cycle Management

This module is simply how to make sure you are collecting every dime that is due to you.  We will explore and dive deeply on your collections system.  This process starts at the time of making the appointment until the charges have been fully paid.

Collecting money is a crucial aspect of any practice-based business as it determines its financial stability and success. Timely and efficient collection of payments is essential to maintain cash flow and keep the business running smoothly. Late or non-payment can put a strain on the business's finances, causing cash flow problems, and making it difficult to pay bills and meet obligations.

In a practice-based business, it is important to have clear payment policies and procedures in place, and to communicate these effectively to clients. This helps to minimize confusion and reduces the risk of payment issues. Automating billing and payment processes can also streamline the collection process and make it more efficient.

Additionally, having a system for tracking payments and following up with clients who are late in paying can help to minimize financial risks and ensure that the business stays on top of its finances.

Module 4: Customer Service

Customer service is an essential aspect of any business as it directly impacts customer satisfaction, loyalty, and the overall success of the company. Good customer service involves providing prompt, professional, and helpful support to customers, and addressing their concerns in a timely and effective manner.

Effective customer service builds trust and credibility with customers and helps to establish a positive reputation for the company. It also creates loyal customers who are more likely to recommend the company to others and return for future business. On the other hand, poor customer service can lead to customer frustration, dissatisfaction, and negative word of mouth, damaging the company's reputation and potentially impacting its bottom line.

In a highly competitive market, excellent customer service can also be a key differentiator, helping to attract and retain customers, and ultimately drive business growth

In this module we will highlight the following:

  • Understanding customer needs and expectations 

A. The customer journey 

B. Customer segmentation 

C. Empathy and active listening

  • Communication skills for customer service 

A. Verbal communication 

B. Non-verbal communication 

C. Writing for customer service 

D. Handling difficult customers

  • Delivering excellent customer service 

A. Setting expectations 

B. Solving problems and resolving conflicts

 C. Going above and beyond for customers 

D. Measuring and tracking customer satisfaction

  • Customer Service Technology 

A. Overview of customer service tools and technology 

B. Benefits of automation 

C. Best practices for using technology in customer service

  • Team Building and Motivation 

A. Building a positive and supportive team culture 

B. Recognizing and rewarding excellent customer service 

C. Managing and reducing staff turnover

Module 5: Working Less and Making More

Working less and making more is always a desirable goal for doctors but most people feel this is not possible.  In this module, we will explore ways for you to achieve that dream life, basically to have your cake and eat it too.  In fact, it is not only a possibility, but it is a necessity.  The reasons are:

1) Better work-life balance: By working less, you can have more time for yourself, your family, and other personal pursuits.

2) Increased profitability: By focusing on high-value activities and automating routine tasks, you can increase your revenue while reducing the time you spend working.

3) Improved quality of life: When you have more free time, you can reduce stress, improve your health, and overall enjoy a better quality of life.

4) Increased job satisfaction: When you are able to work less and make more, you can feel more in control of your business and more satisfied with your job.

5) Increased creativity: By having more free time, you can pursue new interests and hobbies that can stimulate your creativity and bring new ideas to your business.

6) Improved business reputation: By providing high-quality services while working less, you can establish a reputation as an efficient and effective business, attracting new clients and retaining existing ones. In addition, you will have better outcomes because you will have renewed energy and love for your profession.

Module 6: Mindset

This should be at the top because your mind is everything.  Without a positive mind, you won’t be able to create the life you deserve and desire.  You will only see the obstacles, not the solutions. 

A positive mindset is an essential component of personal and professional success. Here's why it's so important:

1) Better decision-making: When you have a positive mindset, you are more likely to see opportunities and make decisions that lead to success.

2) Improved relationships: A positive outlook can make you more likable and increase the quality of your personal and professional relationships.

3) Increased resilience: When faced with challenges, a positive mindset can help you bounce back faster and maintain a sense of perspective.

4) Increased motivation: A positive outlook can help you approach tasks with energy and enthusiasm, leading to better results and increased satisfaction.

5) Better physical health: Research has shown that a positive mindset can have a positive impact on physical health, reducing stress and improving immunity.

6) Increased happiness: When you have a positive mindset, you are more likely to experience happiness and a sense of well-being, regardless of the circumstances.